Jesse Malcomb

Jesse Malcomb

Owner/Founder, Coach

Snatch: 275 lb, Clean & Jerk: 336 lb, Front Squat: 408 lb, Overhead Squat: 352 lb, Bench Press: 408lb, Fran: 2:23


CrossFit Coaching Experience: 12 Years
Coach at Fortius: 11 Years

CrossFit Level 2 (CF-L2), USA Weightlifting National Level Coach (Level 2), USA Powerlifting Senior National Coach (Level 2), USA Track and Field Level 1 Coach, Univ. of Colorado - Electrical Engineering and Economics

About Coach

Formerly an engineer working in semiconductor processing and solar energy industry, Coach Jesse made a major career shift and founded Fortius in 2012. Jesse has over 20 years of experience in the fitness industry - from competing, coaching, and running Olympic weightlifting, Powerlifting, and CrossFit facilities. As an athlete, Jesse competed at the National level in both Olympic Lifting and Powerlifting, winning multiple state titles in Colorado, also a competitive golfer in high school and college. Coach Jesse has also personally programmed for and coached regional and national level weightlifters and CrossFit competitors for the last decade.

Turning Point

Starting Fortius in a small warehouse over a decade ago, there were seemingly insurmountable odds competing with the literally hundreds of established gyms in San Diego. With the opening of the South, East, and Downtown locations in the mid 2010's, Fortius reached a tipping point. Coach Jesse now operates 4 fitness facilities in San Diego and hopes that Fortius will continue to grow as one of the preeminent gym brands in San Diego and beyond!

Motivation & Passion

My motivation has always been to build a community and culture that delivers the magic of fitness to as many people as possible. There are so many way to get fit, but a community that empowers you to stay consistent with it, which is the only way you can reap the incredible life benefits it provides, is something special. The Fortius model strives to achieve this every day!

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